Sunday, April 12, 2015

Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden

When I started reading this poem for the first time I thought of a hard working man and a family that isn't of high class because of the way the narrator states that the father is always working and that "Sundays too my father got up early" The mention of Sunday shows how much the father works. Sundays are supposed to be days of rest but we get to know that in this family that is not the case. Reading the poem for the second time I realized the narrator doesn't only want to show us his fathers hard work but also the appreciation he has for his father. He demonstrates the hardship of his father and wants us to know how important his father is. I think the poem gave us a glimpse into the authors life because of the emotions he used to describe certain things. He seemed to want to show us that it wasn't easy, quite difficult. Through the cold and the early mornings. The title of this poem gives us a clue as to what it will be about, overall I did enjoy reading this poem.

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